If you suspect that an elderly person that you know is a victim of abuse, you should report it to Elder Protective Services. If you are observing life-threatening abuse, first call 911 or your local police, then file a report with the appropriate agency.
Elder Abuse includes physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, caretaker neglect, financial exploitation, or self-neglect of a person 60 years and over who lives in the community.
Anyone can file a report of suspected abuse by calling:
Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) Elder Abuse Hotline # 1-800-922-2275
Rhode Island
Office of Healthy Aging (OHA) # 1-401-462-0555
(Note: all Rhode Islanders are mandated reporters)
New Hampshire
Bureau of Elderly & Adult Services (BEAS) # 1-603-271-7014 or toll Free from within NH at (800) 949-0470
Mandated Reporters
The state of Massachusetts includes the following in their list of mandated reporters of elder abuse:
Physicians; physician assistants; nurses; medical interns; coroners; dentists; podiatrists; osteopaths; social workers; occupational therapists; physical therapists; psychologists; family counselors; police; probation officers; EMTs; firefighters; director of a home health aide agency; homemaker agency; assisted living residence; case managers; health aides; homemakers; council on aging directors; outreach workers.
The Archdiocese of Boston requires all clergy, employees, and volunteers to report suspected Elder Abuse or Neglect.
Suspected elder abuse by Archdiocesan personnel or volunteers, while performing the work of the Boston Archdiocese must also be reported to the diocese. Contact the Director of Professional Standards and Oversight at 617-746-5624.
For questions or help reporting elder abuse, please contact the Office of Pastoral Support and Child Protection at 617-746-5985.