Since 2002, the Archdiocese has had a vigorous policy with respect to disclosing information about clergy accused of abusing minors.
All allegations of clergy sexual abuse of minors are immediately reported to law enforcement.
Notifications are made to local District Attorneys’ offices, the Massachusetts Attorney General, and federal law enforcement when appropriate.
Notifications are made regardless of whether or not the person reporting the abuse is still a minor, the accused cleric is still alive, or the allegations have been evaluated as credible.
If the victim is under the age of 18 at the time of the report, the matter is additionally reported to the Department of Children and Families through the filing of a 51A report.
The Archdiocese publicly discloses when a member of its clergy is removed from active ministry, pending an investigation into an allegation of child abuse.
The Archdiocese publicly discloses when a member of its clergy is convicted of sexual abuse of a child as a result of a criminal process, or when, after a canonical process, a member of the clergy is removed from the clerical state. For the list of publicly disclosed diocesan clergy, click here.
The Archdiocese provides the opportunity for all youth to receive age appropriate training to help keep them safe. Training is provided in all parish religious education classes and Catholic elementary schools and high schools through diocesan approved curriculums.
All clergy, religious, employees, and volunteers who may have contact with children are required to be trained in Protecting God’s Children (PGC) which teaches:
All clergy, religious, adult employees, and adult volunteers are required to sign the Code of Ministerial Behavior that provides a set of standards for conduct in pastoral situations.
Reports are filed with civil authorities whenever abuse or neglect is suspected, whatever the setting.