The Office of Pastoral Support and Outreach (OPSO), created in 2002, exists to provide assistance to those who were directly impacted by clergy abuse here in the Archdiocese of Boston.
There are many ways in which we can help.
Behavioral Health Treatment
Those who were abused by Boston clergy are eligible to receive help in covering the costs of behavioral health treatment. Immediate family members may also be eligible. All treatment must be provided by an appropriately credentialed clinician licensed to provide behavioral health treatment in the state where you live. In most cases, OPSO will pay for weekly treatment. All treatment services must be preauthorized for payment and rate restrictions may apply.
OPSO can also help with the costs of medication assessment/management and prescribed psychiatric medications.
In some circumstances, OPSO can help pay for more intensive levels of treatment for those abused by Boston clergy. Please contact us to learn how we may be able to help with your specific situation. All intensive treatment must be preauthorized for payment.
Spiritual Direction
Those who were abused by Boston clergy can receive help with spiritual direction through credentialed individuals. Please contact us to discuss your specific needs and find out how we may be able to help.
Meetings with Archbishop Henning
Individuals who were abused by Boston clergy can request to meet with Archbishop Richard Henning. These meetings are facilitated and arranged through OPSO. The meeting is intended to be a pastoral opportunity for the survivor and/or family members to speak with Archbishop Henning in an open and frank manner that can assist in his/her emotional and spiritual healing.
Pastoral Support
The staff in OPSO provide pastoral support to survivors and their families. In addition to helping to arrange treatment we can:
OPSO also provides services for parishes and schools. Call us if you are interested in:
All parishes must display the “Promise to Protect, Pledge to Heal” poster in their places of worship. The poster provides information on how to report abuse. If you need a new poster, please let us know.
Call us at 617-746-5985 to talk to us or get more information.